I really like Shawn McDonald's music. It's raw and real and beautiful. Pretty much anything that combines honest lyrics, well-played acoustic guitar and real strings is amazing to my ears.
Well...that or a band like Judgement Day who combines 3 of my favorite things: metal, strings, and epic music. :)
This weekend I'm leading an 8th grade ski trip (oooooh snap). We're talking to them about identity and who they appear to be versus who God created them to be. We all wear masks, some positive and most negative. Anywho, Scott and I have to be able to get up and talk about some of the masks we wear. Nothing better than spilling all of your insecurities and weaknesses out on the floor in front of 28 kids who barely know...
I realized tonight that I have grown so used to one of my masks that it fades into my own likeness. It's name is "shallow." I wear it a lot, around everyone, close friends and new people. It smiles and laughs at all times. It makes jokes and avoids deep conversation topics, because that would require it to come off. Now my own personality smiles, laughs, and makes jokes, but I love deep conversation and sharing with those I trust. So what's with shallow?
I was talking to a friend about life and relationships. We both feel like we don't fit any of the molds out there and agreed that it must mean that God has something really wonderful laid out for us. It's the following without getting distracted that can be difficult. But we talked about relationships, and immediately my shallow mask jumped on...but this time I noticed it. Why is it that the topics we need to talk about are the ones that make us put up our guard the fastest?
I think we make the mistake of carrying our past relationship blunders around with us. It's almost as if we have a separate resume of relationships and what happened and what went wrong and why it still haunts us. We're walking around with this list of flaws our previous loves have pointed out to us, and for whatever reason this keeps us from feeling worthy of anyone ever again. I know I felt like that for a very long time. After my last relationship blew up in my face, I walked around for almost a year feeling like damaged goods. You've seen those cans on the grocery store shelves...the ones with dents or discolored labels...who wants to buy a dented can of soup? Who wants to fall in love with a girl carrying so many wounds and insecurities?
The beautiful thing about this is that God loves us as we are and He knows how much more lovely we will be when we follow His will. He has not called the perfect and squeaky clean, but the lost sheep and sinners. He pours out His love on us without hesitation - the written code and all of our shortcomings are cancelled. He loves us as we are. That really gives me hope.
"When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your sinful nature, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, having canceled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; he took it away, nailing it to the cross."
-Colossians 2:13-14 NIV
Those two verses changed my life about a year and a half ago. I am changed; I am free from my sins in the past. I am a new creation in Christ. I need to learn to recognize my masks and keep the negative ones, like shallow, far from my face.
I've adopted the attitude that if you're going to be anything, be authentic. Not shallow; Authentic.
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1 comment:
I miss you so much.
I love how honest you are in your blog. Every time I see that you have updated, I get really excited to read it! I don't respond much, because usually I really should be doing something else *like going to class...but I really have to see what you say.*
You are one of my favorite people. I mean, EVER...like every single time we talk, I just glow all over because you really are one of my closest friends! I often find myself thinking about how short our time was together in the same place...but how important and life changing it was *for both of us*
I know you're trying to figure out where you belong in terms of the molds people have put you in...and ya know, I dealt with that a lot last semester just being here at school...thinking I had to fit into the Southern Baptist bubble mold...take out my nose ring, don't EVER let anyone see my tattoos, don't let my loud cackle laugh out too much, don't ever voice my opinion, dress up professionally instead of the edgy kind of things I usually wear, make sure I present this facade to my professors by holding back parts or even diminishing altogether parts of my personality!
never once did anyone ever ask me to do any of those things I was so scared of. Once the misunderstanding (caused by the generation *or 2* gap) I realized that as different as I am, I am celebrated for those things!
The same is true for you! Wherever you end up! Right now, it sucks that your peers can't see how AMAZING you are! I know how much they are missing out by not getting to know the real you. I DO know the real you, and I love the real you more than any other version you try to create.
I LOVE the Lou that plays violin with petals, listens to metal, goes to Flyleaf shows, sings Britney Spears AND Nirvana at karaoke, goes hiking in kitten heels, wears loud AMAZING colors, has the best jewelry taste in the world, laughs at everything, makes the funniest jokes, loves Steelers football more than anyone I know and proudly shows it, has the sauciest mezzo voice around town, loves Jesus, and loves to share her knowledge of him with others. I also love the stubborn Louise who won't agree with me on pedobaptism! :D
I hope writing this entry was therapeutic for you! You are one of a kind and I LOVE that about you! After all, how boring would the world be if every single person walked around in pearls and heels everyday and had the exact same type of singing voice!?!?
*though we do need some to rock the pearls and heels*
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